All that it's geometry, phisics, trigonometry applied to billiards is a part of technique... Scared? Don't be! In this chapter techniques are explained in simple words and easily comprehensible. We will not pretend that you are nuclear engineer to understand the concepts inside this page, but believe me what you'll learn can make the difference. Rotation, Force, Impact are fundamental variables for a good level billiard player, who knows those concepts will grow up, the others will remain to actual level of their game.
Unless the majority of the players image, english transmission doesn't behave like gears. Or better: is not the truth if you say that our ball hitting on the opponent ball will transfer all the english gave inverting rotation. Gear behaviour is linked to the fact that they are constrained in their center. No translation can be applied to them, they can only rotate! Balls, indeed, are free to translate and for this reason their behaviour is different. After balls impact, supposing we hit the opponent ball exactly full, english transfered mostly become in a trajectory shift of opponent ball on the opposite side respect to the one where you applied english (in example if i apply english on the right side, the opponent ball will change it's trajectory a bit on the left). In Addiction there will be a reversal of english on the opponent ball but it affects less the shot then the change in direction.
Executing a one rail shot with different strengths imply a different aiming. This phrase it's incredible on a first impact, but if you know the behaviour of the billiards rails is not so incredible. In fact rail react to the strenght of a shot closing the trajectory in a proportional way (the more a shot is strong, the more the trajectory closes after rail rebound). This let us comprehend that: if we would like to hit a ball using different strengths we have to vary our aiming point, otherwise we'll miss to hit opponent ball and let the opponent have an easy shot.
Understand what happens in the moment that two balls hits help us to solve tough situations. One example is when the balls are aligned exactly in direction of one of the billiards angles. A way to avoid the rebound between the balls is to study the slow motion of the impact between the balls. In fact in that moment for our ball is like time stopped for a while, in the meantime the opponent ball begins to run on the cloth it remains stopped in hitting position for a fraction of a second before following the path of the opponent and going straight towards it. This small time-lapse allows the opponent ball to arrive before in the point where the two balls are supposed to rebound and pass away avoiding rebound itself. In conclusion using only a hard hit on the ball can do the trick, in fact the consequent impact between the two balls let us avoid a sure rebound.