I don't know if it makes us think that billiards talks or that we are not able to listen to it,
so as the fact that we see better the characteristics of the other persons but we don't see ours.
Are we sure that we want that others tells us how things are? Or they tells us and we are rude with them or we
close ourselves in defense.
Since 30 years i play billiards and it (the billiards) tried to tell me a lot of things... i never listened to it
before now.
I try to make an example: if during a tournament i get angry, billiard tells me: «Why you got angry?» and i tell
it (to the billiard) - me (to myself) - them (to the others) what has happened.
For myself (me) and the others (them) the story i told is sufficient, for the billiard (it) is not sufficient
and its voice continues: «Why you got angry?» and doesn't stop like it does for myself(me) and the others(them).
It doesn't stop until i begin to observe and remember the moments that originates anger to understand the reasons.
Billiards reply again: «Where the change in your mood began? If you don't know, don't answer now, wait that
it happens again so you can answer me!»
Even if anger is towards ourselves, billiards need an answer, we must be careful and observe the exact moment
in which our mood changes, even when we are angry with ourseves...
Here we are, this is talking billiards!
Era in which every professional or semi-professional player does hide "billiards secrets" is ended, those tricks that are fundamentals to execute correctly many of the billiard shots. Now is the "share" era! Players average age is increasing more and more, teenagers aren't attracted from billiard because no one teach them. To avoid that this sport will become a hobby for aged people we need to involve young people, let them become competitive and this wonderful game could have the visibiity that deserves (like Snooker in England or Pool in the United States). I'm first to begin to share but you all should follow me and share all what you know...
Important notions to understand to avoid unforgivable errors that causes your defeat in important billiards matches. Rotation, Force, Impact, are fundamental variables in each shot that impact essentially on it and its execution and then for this reason we must take them into account. Through the analysis of these parameters we will understand how to balance our executions, perfect them to obtain maximum yield. We know that is not possible to execute perfect shots, but thanks to those parameters we will be able to make errors but on the right side and find defenses where we were not able before. We will become more accurate in preparing our shots...
To minimize errors in our shots as well as to "become familiar" with shot itself, we suggest to use systems that can be either mathematics or geometric references. Professional player plays "at a glance" because his billiards knowledge is so deep that he's able to see trajectories like they were tracked on the cloth. Average player needs a help to learn to watch at those lines. Systems were created for this, to minimize errors and avoid to suffer a perfect shot from the opponent due to our mistake. To grow up as a player is important to "go back to primary school and learn to count"...